mission sunday - abbey

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mission sunday

Today marks the 89 ^ Mission Sunday .
  If we have experienced how beautiful the Christian life ( the joy and comfort that its practice involves ) is normal that we feel the desire that others may experience as well. If we do not feel such a desire , we see that we have not yet learned to know and to live it well ( that is, we are not good Christians ) .
Go slowly and try to be a little ' less superficial .
The impulse to let go that everyone follows their faith comes from our laziness ( usually within us is the desire to live in peace without going to meddle in other people's problems ) and our lukewarm faith .
In the Gospel, Jesus said : " Go and preach the Gospel to every creature .." and look at that then existed in the Far East major religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism , to name the best known .
And it was not primitive and crude religions , but they had a very high spirituality.
Jesus said, " Go and preach the Gospel to every creature."
But be careful He didn't said " Go and preach , if they listen well, otherwise patience , and friends as before ... " : indeed , he added : " He that believeth shall be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned . "
Jesus is God and knows very well , his creation , which is the man .
He knows what for us is a source of well-being and what hurts us instead .
The car manufacturer shall attach to the cars that sells a service book . In it there are not only very good advice for those who will get behind the wheel , but instructions are essential for the proper functioning of the vehicle. To the point that , if you want to ignore , would face such unpleasant incidents from coming up to make unusable the car that you bought . ( If, for example . You wanted to use any fuel instead of the one shown , it would risk , rather than to enjoy the brilliant performance of the veicle , not even be able to start it) .
Jesus knows so well the man and can get lost on the roads of time . Therefore he wants that he gets its indications of conduct of life , not only to help him get it right, but because He knows that man surely will recognize the goodness of his teachings .
Jesus knows so well the man to know that the gospel will be recognized as valid by all human beings , so that if his message will not be accepted the fault is of those who reject it . And the refusal can happen because you do not want to assume the responsibilities and commitments that it entails , but not because he's seen the goodness of it.
Those who do not believe it , rather than being condemned, condemn themself !
If we have experienced how beautiful the Christian life is ( the joy and comfort that its practice involves ) is normal that we feel the desire that others may experience as well. If we do not feel such a desire , we see that we have not yet learned to know and to live it well ( that is, we are not good Christians ) .
Many see the gospel as a doctrine , that is, a set of teachings that tell us about the nature of God ( which reveal to us ,who is God ) and rules of life (how we should  behave in our relationships between us and to God - eg . how to talk to him , how to pray ... ) .
The Gospel is certainly that, but not only .
It is first and foremost a meeting with a person and its acceptance in their lives .
That person is Jesus of Nazareth , the only Son that God the Father always generates in the silence of eternity , and that he was born on this earth from Maria .
Jesus is the Savior of the world .
The Holy Spirit says so explicitly :
" For all the names in the world given to men, this is the only one by which we can be saved "(Acts . 4 , 12 )
Experience teaches us that if we join Him with faithful prayer ( that is, every day , as we were taught as children ) , if we commit ourselves seriously to put into practice his teachings , we attach to Him .
He becomes part of our life as a loved one , to which you do not want to give any more sorrow . As feel growing towards Him also our affection for his mother , Mary.
It is not about self-suggestion , because Jesus and Mary are not illusions , but two living persons , with a mind and a heart , like us .
The Ascension of Jesus to the Assumption of Mary, teach it : in fact Jesus and Mary are the first two to be entered with their human body in God's world .
Well the more you are constant in prayer and the more you live according to his word , the more you become attached to Him , the more you become attached to Him , the more you do not want to offend him in anything.
Not only that : He becomes part of us - in our lives - to want to meet him , to want to finally enter his life ( to enter his world) to be forever with Him .
At this point , if we are truly Christians ( despite our weaknesses and our sins ) do not we think it's normal that we want to love him and sincerely wish that others know Jesus and become his , that is, that also them become Christians ?
Postal Address:
Abbazia S. Maria di Finalpia
17024 Finale Ligure Pia (SV) Italy
Telephone +39 019 602 301  Fax: +39 019 604 9940
updated 23 June 2024
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