funded in 910 was the crib for Cluniac Benedictines.
Expanded all over Europe, gave to the Church generations of monks, many of them elevated to the Papal Throne.
Swiped away by the French Revolution, never resurrected.This painting gives us an idea of how the famous monastic complex, looked like before his destruction
Here the typical schedule of one medieval day in this famous monastery.
The following outline is necessarily a little bit approximate, to take in consideration the variation and the typical approximation of calculation of time in the medieval society.
Hours 24,30 Eves
2,30 Rest
4 Laud
4,30 Rest
5,45 Rising
(a little bit before 6 o'clock, private Mass)
6 Hour first
6,30 Conventual Chapter in his three parts (liturgical, administrative, and disciplinary)
7,30 Conventual morning Mass
8,15-9 Private Mass
9 - 10, 30 Hour Third, conventual Mass
10,45-11,30 Work
11,30 Hour Sixth
12 Lunch
12,45-13,45 Rest
14-14,30 Hour Ninth
14,30-16,30 Work (during summer in the garden,during winter
or during bad weather in the library)
16,30-17,15 Vespers
17,30-17,50 Light supper(except the days of fast)
18 Complin
18,45 Rest
During the time from his foundation to his destruction, the schedule went through many variations.
A model that reproduces the abbatial church
What is left of the nave